Moira Kerr Sings

It was quite a feather in Moira's cap to be asked by the BBC to write the songs to accompany their major series "Where Eagles Fly" which presented some of the most stunning scenery in the Highlands of Scotland. This scenic tour covered the Cairngorm mountains, Lochaber, Glencoe, Loch Lomond, Argyll and many other locations.
The series is available on VHS video and eleven of Moira's melodic contributions have been assembled onto one compilation with her songs as the soundtrack. The video also has a personal introduction by Moira. The songs on the video and some of the locations covered include:
This is My World (Moira's introduction)
Loch Lomond Hills
MacIain of Glencoe (Glencoe)
Where Eagles Fly (Applecross and Torridon)
Cuillin (Skye)
Kisimul's Galley (Barra)
Safely Ashore (Iona)
Drifting Away (Applecross and Torridon)
Corryvrechan (The whirlpool between the islands of Jura and Scarba)
The Sands of Time (North-West Scotland)
Ordering This Video From Moira Kerr
This video can be obtained direct from Moira (state whether PAL or NTSC format required) at a cost of £12.99. All items obtained from Moira are signed personally by her on the inlay.
Ordering This Video From Moira Kerr
This video can be obtained direct from Moira at a cost of only £12.99 including post and packing in the UK. There is an additional airmail postal cost of £3.20 for European destinations outside of the UK or £4 for the rest of the world. All items obtained from Moira are signed personally by her on the inlay.
The Video can be obtained via our PayPal secure credit card service and sent anywhere in the world. Just click on the Paypal logo for the appropriate destination below.
UK destinations (£12.99):
European Destinations (£12.99 + £3.20 postage):
Destinations outside UK and Europe (12.99 + £4 postage):
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