This page lists the firm public performance dates for Moira Kerr over the next few months. Her busy schedule of private events, to which the general public are not able to gain access, have not been included.
If you would like to have further details or to book tickets for these concerts, contact Moira Kerr by e-mail.

Wednesday 17 June 2015
Moira is performing in the lovely old Cathedral House Hotel after a gourmet Scottish 3 course dinner at 7 for 7.30, with songs and stories of Scotland from Moira. The Cathedral House Hotel is opposite Glasgow Cathedral and the area is in the oldest part of Glasgow so the event is aimed at visitors and locals alike.
Sunday 2nd August 2015

Moira will be at the The Comrie Festival on Sunday 2nd August as guest singer with The Perth and Kinross Fiddle Orchestra in The White Church. Programme starts at 7.30pm Comrie Fortnight is an annual festival held in the village on the last week in July and the first week in August.