Misty Moo and Friends

Moira's latest CD is quite a departure from her traditional Scottish folk songs. It is full of verses about farmyard animals which will appeal to children - of all ages. But the CD also brings together Moira's many talents. First, as a writer - all the songs and the narrative have been created by Moira herself. Secondly, the CD shows her sense of humour - which often comes over in her communication with audiences at her concerts and after-dinner speaking engagements. She is also a fine mimic as she creates the voices of many of the characters as well as supplying the narration. Finally, her ability to bring together a wide range of talents (ranging from the East Renfrewshire Junior Choir to Alex York as a convincing "Tam the Bam") to create an enjoyable and amusing CD lasting nearly 70 minutes!
Moira is also joined on this CD by Ian Blackwood, Norman MacLean, Morven Morrison and instrumentalists Jeannie Morrison, Kirsteen Henderson and Jim Keilt.
Misty Moo and Friends tells the story of a little Highland cow who lives with his farmyard friends near the beautiful glen of Glencoe. There's Henrietta Hen, Tam the Bam (who says he is the toughest alley cat from Glasgow - which is quite a claim!), Rory the red deer and Chunky Chicken. There is also a song about "My Hacienda in the Highlands" (now there's a picture to conjure with) and the CD closes with a real "feel-good" number entitled "There's Something Good in Everybody".
The CD is accompanied by a colourful booklet which has the words of all the songs and illustrations of Misty Moo and all his friends.
And for a limited time only, if you purchase the CD version with its illustrated booklet, you will also receive a cassette tape version of all the songs - absolutely free!
The titles of the songs on this CD (all of which were written by Moira herself) are:
Henrietta Hen Click for an MP3 download of this track
Misty Moo
Tam the Bam
Rory of the Red Deer
My Hacienda in the Highlands
Chunky Chicken
My Special Friend
There's Something Good in Everybody
Ordering This CD From Moira Kerr
This CD, its booklet plus a free cassette version can be obtained direct from Moira at a cost £11.99 including post and packing. All items obtained from Moira are signed personally by her on the CD or tape insert.
The CD can be obtained via our PayPal secure credit card service and sent anywhere in the world. Just click on the Paypal logo below.
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