Each week the Scottish Snippets Newsletter includes a number of photographs which illustrate the weather, flora and fauna of the current week around Scotland. There are so many such graphics worth including that a separate "colour supplement" is created so as not to totally overload the Newsletter. Here is this week's crop!
The rapidly changing weather in Scotland was very noticeable on Wednesday this week. In the early afternoon I had visited Finlaystone Country Estate in Renfrewshire and had taken photos in the sunshine. By the time I had crossed the river Clyde and driven north a few miles to the southern end of Loch Lomond, the hail had come on and Ben Lomond was covered in clouds. Twenty minutes later (after a coffee and cake at Jenners at Loch Lomond Shores) the clouds were beginning to roll away and I took this picture. Then...
... another twenty minutes later, the setting sun was shining at least on the top of Ben Lomond, although there was still some cloud right at its peak.
To the north of Loch Lomond, the mountains had a thicker covering of snow.
As it happened, I was passing Ben Lomond again on the following day and took this picture from further up the loch. Once again, the sun was breaking through the clouds to shine on the higher slopes of the mountain.
During the visit to Loch Lomond, I spotted this pair of Oystercatchers on the shore. No oysters in Loch Lomond, of course, but these birds with their long beaks, are happy to eat any crustaceans or worms they can find. They are even frequent visitors to ploughed fields.
These Canada Geese are far from Canada and indeed are probably resident in Scotland. I've seen this pair around Kilmardinny Loch in suburban Glasgow on a number of occasions.
This Helleborus was enjoying the sunshine at Finlaystone Country Estate. The flowers often grow with their faces looking downwards and so it can sometimes be difficult to photograph inside the blossom.If you want to look back at earlier editions of this Colour Supplement, there is an Index Page
Where else would you like to go in Scotland?