Scotland was converted to Christianity by St Columba and his followers in the 6th century but there have been many schisms over the centuries, resulting in the present day variety of faiths.
Over 500 links to hundreds of Scottish churches of all denominations, organisations and individuals whose websites tell the world about their beliefs. The churches are listed alphabetically and by geographical area (with a map finder too). There are also sections on Web evangelism, how-to's, tips, tutorials - and downloads...
A vast world-wide directory of addresses, contacts and web sites for many religions and sects.
The Church of Scotland> Directory provides information on the Church, the General Assembly and "Life and Work" magazine. A site covering the Roman Catholicism in Scotland> from Wikipedia covers the history and organisation of the Catholic Church in Scotland. Elsewhere, there is a page of links to a number of Roman Catholic Parishes in Scotland. The Scalan Trail has information on Roman Catholic Churches in the diocese of Aberdeen and in particular their History. Each link has photographs and a brief history. The Free Church of Scotland> site has a history of the church, sermons, lectures and a "church finder." There are also some psalms and sermons in Real Audio. Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland> was founded in 1893 as a breakaway from the Free Church and is known as a consistent defender of certain of the doctrines and practices of the Scottish Reformation including unaccompanied singing from the 1650 Scottish Psalter. The Scottish Episcopal Church Web site contains information on the Bishops and their Dioceses in Scotland. Glasgow Central Mosque has illustrations of the mosque and background information on Muslims in the West of Scotland. The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland has been in existence since the days of the Covenanters. Their site gives contact details for the Presbytery and their two local curches, including Airdrie which has its own Web site. The Reformed Presbyterian Church> (Covenanted) also known as "Steelites" also defends the old Covenanter views. The Salvation Army > in Scotland has individual sections on the "Sally Anne" in Eastern Scotland, Northern Scotland and West Scotland. Leith Council of Churches> provides an introduction to the wide range of churches in Leith and including a list of the churches and an introduction to the history of Leith. A large number of Leith's churches offer tours of their building and churchyards which can be found via an interactive tour map. Scottish Christians Forum is designed to discuss all aspects of Christianity in Scotland. You don't have to be Scottish or even a Christian to participate but if you want to post to the usergroups, you need to register. Amos Scripture Care Trust> was voted 'Scottish Christian Website of the Year' in 1999. They promote Scriptures on laminated ‘credit’ size cards. Pontifical Scots College, Rome> was founded 400 years ago after the Reformation made it impossible to train priests in Scotland. It is now one of three seminaries dedicated to the education of men preparing to serve as priests in the dioceses of Scotland. The site has historical information, details of the 400th anniversary, a picture gallery and links to sites of religious or Scottish interest. Highland Cathedral is the website for St Columba Church, St Vincent Street, Glasgow. It covers not just the expected church activities and the history of the building, but has a large section aimed at the Gaelic-speaking community with St Columba Gaelic Hymns, Gaelic Metrical Psalms, The Lord's Prayer in Gaelic, St Columba Gaelic Prayers, school resources and even some of the works of John Bunyan in Gaelic. St Columba founded at Iona> and Iona Abbey>. Elsewhere, there is a somewhat briefer life of St Mungo> Kagyu Samye Ling is the first and largest Tibetan Centre and Buddhist Monastery in the West. It is located in Eskdalemuir, Langholm Dumfriesshire and acts as a centre for the preservation of Tibetan religion, culture, medicine, art, architecture and handicrafts. It runs frequent courses on many aspects of Buddhism. WebChurch> is Scotland's first "virtual" church, seeking to be your spiritual home on the Internet. The Web page for >Baha'i Council for Scotland provides an introduction to this religion. The first Christian settlement in Scotland was at St Ninian & Whithorn Priory.> Dundee Parish Church (St. Mary's)> is one of the "city churches" right in the city centre, the Web pages have current news and events, a history of the church (it celebrated its octo-centenary in 1990)and associated organisations. There is also a photo-tour of the building. Nigg Old Church> is a fine Scottish parish church and - since it houses a magnificent Pictish stone of the late eighth century, carved with Pictish symbols and Christian imagery - it is likely that it stands on what has been a place of Christian worship for at least 1200 years. The website gives information about the history of the church and stone including images and quicktime movies. Humanist Society of Scotland> describes itself as representing those who adopt a non-religious, but ethical life stance based on enlightened self-interest, aiming to build a better human world without reliance on supernatural forces. Pagan Federation (Scotland) is an organisation whose membership is drawn from all the Pagan traditions and is an autonomous national body within the Pagan Federation, Europe's largest and most active Pagan organisation. They have a Register of Celebrants who are experienced in writing and conducting many kinds of ceremonies, including Handfasting, Legal Marriage, Funeral, and Naming ceremonies. The Web page for the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland> provides information and history about the organisation. The Grand Lodge of Scotland has a Web site giving the history of Scottish Freemasonry> and links to other links of Scottish/Masonic interest. Lodge St Kilda on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland is based in Portree, Isle of Skye. In addition to information on the Lodge, there are historical and other photographs, including one of a "bonnet piece" - a Scottish gold coin, minted in 1540. There are a number of pages on this site covering such subjects as the Abbots of Iona> (the succession of abbots from 547-854, starting with Colum-Cille (St Columba) himself). There are also details of the Fasti Project> which aims to create an electronic database of all the pre-Reformation clergy in Scotland. A richly illustrated site with eye-catching graphics telling the story of Rosslyn Chapel's architecture and carvings. There is also a timetable of a series of events taking place at the chapel. This extensive site is dedicated to researching the Rosslyn Chapel and its links to the Knights Templar and Scottish Freemasonry. There are articles on these subjects and also on the Sinclairs, the creators of Rosslyn. |
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