Edinburgh Photo Library
- National Gallery of Scotland and Royal Scottish Academy
Located at the foot of The Mound, the road which runs from the High Street to Princes Street, these Grecian-style 19th century buildings house a huge collection of Scottish and world art. The Royal Scottish Academy, facing Princes Street, was designed by the Scottish architect William Playfair in 1822-26 and was enlarged by him five years later. The building has a profusion of detailed carved stonework. There is a regal statue of Queen Victoria on the roof at the front of the building - with the monarch steadfastly keping her back to the castle.
The National Gallery of Scotland was also designed by William Playfair, this time completed in 1858. It houses an important collection of Italian, French and Dutch paintings, as well as Scottish artists. The pictures are displayed in magnificent galleries - where the dominant wall colour is a rich red, which the Victorians would have appreciated.
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