Lighthouse Letters
By Sharma Krauskopf
This is an article by Sharma Krauskopf from Michigan who fell in love with Scotland - and decided to buy a lighthouse keepers' cottage at Eshaness, a remote location in Shetland, in the far north of Scotland and live there each winter. These pages were previously part of the "Scottish Radiance e-magazine Web site which was created by Sharma.
My Hobby
Everyone should have a hobby. Mine started in a rather unique way. I had a BBC producer from Australia staying with me while we were working on my BBC documentary "Sharma's Lighthouse." She had seen an advertisement for an estate sale near the lighthouse and wanted to go to get some Shetland souvenirs. So we did. It was really my first auction in Shetland so I was amazed at the variety and the quality of the merchandise. I came home with some beautiful and needed things without spending a whole lot for them. The most amazing thing was how much I had learned about Shetland that day.
A man named Harry Hay who has been an auctioneer for fifty years runs the sales in Shetland. Everyone calls them "Harry Hay Sales" even though the true name is Shetland Auction Sales. The sales are held sporadically. Usually either when an estate is being settled or when Shetland Auction has gotten enough on consignment to hold a sale. I try to attend everyone that I can. It is so much fun and I learn so much Shetland through the people and things that are there.
It became obvious that if I was going to continue to go to the sales I needed an outlet for any merchandise I bought so I tried a couple of things on Ebay. To my great surprise they sold. That was the beginning of my buying things at auctions and selling them on Ebay.
I have been doing it for about two years and have done surprising well. I have sold a diverse number of things from English china teacups to my biggest item which was our caretaker's Tom's truck. Not only is learning about the various items an education but dealing with people all over the world through the transactions is a real joy. I have come to enjoy china, glass, and dolls the most. I am in the states right now and have found myself an auction house here. It is about twenty miles away and is called Belcher, Dingman, Spaulding Auctioneers. They have large sales and I really enjoy them. Because of their large selection and the diversity of sales I have been able to open an Eshaness Lighthouse Ebay Store.
When I get back to Shetland I will be back in the world of Harry Hay and hope I can keep the Eshaness Lighthouse Ebay Store open.
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Where else would you like to go in Scotland?