Flowers of Scotland - Spring
Index Page


There are over 100 good-size graphics in this collection of flowers which were photographed in Scotland in the spring. The graphics are sized between 20 and 40kb, so they should download fairly quickly and there are thumbnails for each category.

Here are the pages of thumbnails and the number of graphics in each section:

  • Flowers from Bulbs - crocus, snowdrops, bluebells, hyacinth, fritallaria. (9 graphics)
  • Daffodils and Tulips - including some unusual ones. (9 graphics)
  • More Tulips - all sorts of colours and shapes. (9 graphics)
  • Primroses - and primulas, polyanthus and saxifrage. (9 graphics)
  • Cherry and Apple Blossom - we know spring has arrived when these appear. (9 graphics)
  • Rhododendrons - modern hybrids have larger flowers. (9 graphics)
  • Azaleas - exotic imports from the Himalayas. (9 graphics)
  • Flowering Shrubs 1 - clematis, kerria, lilac, paeony, hawthorn, flowering currant, berberis, pieris and a catkin. (9 graphics)
  • Flowering Shrubs 2 - broom, forsythia, clematis, lilac, paeony, mahonia, pieris, spirea arguta and daphne. (12 graphics)
  • "Delicate" Flowers - camelias, magnolias - and orchids (in a greenhouse of course!). (12 graphics)
  • Miscellany - marsh marigold and dandelion plus hawthorn, poppies, bergenia - and heather. (9 graphics)

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