Flowers of Scotland - Summer
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A Lily growing in Drummond Castle gardens.
With a temperate climate and with a plentiful supply of rain, flowers of all kinds flourish in Scotland. This has encouraged gardeners, both professional and amateur, to grow a variety of beautiful flowers here. To illustrate this, here is a selection of the flowers of Scotland which were photographed in various parts of the country from May to August.
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>Dahlias While dahlias do flower in the autumn, before the first frosts arrive, they are also in full flower in August. All those illustrated in this section were in the gardens of Drummond Castle in Perthshire. >Rhododendrons By summer, many rhododendrons have finished their flowering season but these ones were in their full glory in the grounds of Scone Palace in the middle of June. >Roses While roses are often though of as English flowers, the hardiest plants are grown by specialist horticulture companies as far north as Aberdeen. >Antirrhinum, Begonia, Clematis Begonias can be delicate plants and are sometimes grown inside in greenhouses. >Camelia, Geum, Hemerocallis, Lavatera Hemerocallis is also called the "Day Lily" as its flowers only last for a day. Paeonia, Persicaria, Potentilla and Petunia.> The large variety of Persicaria illustarted here was growing at Falkland Palace in Fife. >Wild Flowers The country hedgerows and fields have their own colourful display of flowers.
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