Gaelic Phrases to Use Every Day
Greetings and Polite Expressions
English - Scots Gaelic - Pronunciation
(Stress in bold)
Welcome - madainn mhath - matin vah
good day - fàilte - faaltshæ
good morning - madainn mhath - matin vah
good day - latha math - laah mah
good afternoon/evening - feashar math - fesker mah
good night - oidhche mhath - oychæ vah
bye for now - tiaraidh an dràsda - tsheearee an draasha
goodbye - beannachd leibh - byannachk leyv
excuse me - gabh mo leisgeul - gav mo leshæl
I am sorry - tha mi duilich - haa mee doolich
thank you - tapadh leibh - tahpæ leyv
many thanks - mòran taing - mohræn tigh -ng
you're welcome - ´s e ur beatha - shey oor behah
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