Gaelic Phrases to Use Every Day

How Are You?

English - Scots Gaelic - Pronunciation
(Stress in Bold)

How are You? (formal & plural) - Ciamar a tha sibh? - keemar æ haa sheev

How are You? (informal) - Ciamar a tha thu? - keemar æ haa oo

Fine, thank you - tha gu math, tapadh leibh - haa goo mah, tahpæ; leyv

I am fine - tha mi gu math - haa goo mah, tahpæ leyv

Not bad - chan eil dona - chan yeyll donnæ

I am not well - tha mi bochd - haa mee bochk

I am tired - tha mi sgìth - haa mee skee

We are on holiday - tha sinn air saor-laithean - haa sheeng ehr saohr -laah-yæn

I am touring Scotland - tha mi a' siùbhal air feadh Alba - haa mee æ shoo-æl ehr fyægh Al æpa

We are travelling around - tha sinn a'dol mun cuairt - haa sheeng æ dol moon coorsht

Do you live here? - a bheil sibh a' fuireach an seo - æ veyll sheev æ fooæch æn sho

We are staying for a week - bidh sinn a' fureach airson seachdain - bee sheeng æ fooræch ehrsonn shach - kin

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