Gaelic Phrases to Use Every Day
English - Scots Gaelic - Pronunciation
(Stress in Bold)
the man - am fear - æm fer
the woman - am boireannach - æborrænnæch
the girl - a' chaileag - æchallæk
the boy - an gille - ængeelyæ
the children - a' chlann - æchlownn
the son - am mac - æmmachk
the daughter - an nighean - ænnyeeæn
this is - seo - sho..
this is my mother - seo mo mhàthair -sho mo vaa --her
my father - m' athair - maher
my husband - mo dhuine -mo ghoonye
your wife - do bhean - dohvenn
my children - mo chlann - mocholownn
your daughter - do nighean - dohnyee æn
my son - mo mhac - movachk
my friend (male) - mo charaid - mochaa ritsh
my friend (female) - mo bhanacharaid - movannæ-charitsh
my ancestors - mo shinnsir - mo heenshir
my grandfather - mo sheanair - mo henner
my grandmother - mo shaenmhair - mo hennæver
my great-grandfather - mo shinn-sheanair - mo heen -henner
my great-grandmother - mo shinn-sheanmhair - mo heen - hennæver
my ancestors came from here - thàinig mo shinnsir bhon àite seo - haanik mo heenshir von aatshe sho
my ancestors were cleared from this land - chaidh mo shinnsir fhuadach bhon dùthaich seo - cha-ee mo heen shir oo -ætæch von dooh -ich sho
my grandfather was born in ... - rugadh mo sheanair ann an... - rookægh mo henner ownn æn....
my grandmother lived here.... - dh'fhuirich mo sheanmhair faisg air... - ghoorich mo hennæver faashk ehr
do you know where that is? - a bheil fios agaibh càite a bheil sin - æ veyll feess ahkiv kaahtsh æ vell shin
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