Gaelic Sound Clips
Useful Phrases
These pages complement Gaelic Phrases for Every Day. On this and other Sound Clip pages you will find audio clips of common Gaelic phrases along with the written Gaelic and English words. You will need software such as a RealAudio or Quicktime, or equivalent, available in your browser to play the MP3 audio sound clips.
Click the start button when you are ready for the spoken words. The Gaelic speaker will speak each word or phrase twice.
A bheil Gàidhlig agad? Do you have Gaelic? Chan eil mòran Not much Tha mi 'ga h-ionnsachadh I am learning it Chan eil mi 'tuigsinn I don't understand Chan eil mi cinnteach I am not sure Mòran taing Many thanks Gabh mo leisgeul Excuse me Greas ort Hurry up Fuirich mionaid Wait a minute Dè do naidheachd? What's Your News
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