Did You Know?
- How to Telephone To and From Scotland
Here's how to telephone to or from Scotland and find UK telephone numbers.
- To call a telephone number in Scotland from abroad, use your International dialing code plus the country code for UK (44).
- All Scottish/UK telephone numbers begin with a "0" but for international calls, drop this leading zero. For example 0141 123 4567 becomes 011 44 141 123 4567.
- If you don't know the telephone number, the British Telecom UK telephone directory is on-line at British Telecom Directory Enquiries>
- To call abroad from Scotland, dial "001" followed by your country code (all printed telephone directories list these or go to the online resource at BT) and the full telephone number.
- Within the UK, there is no need to use the four digit Subscriber Trunk Dialling or "STD" code if it is a local call. For example, 0141 123 4567 within the Glasgow area becomes 123 4567.
- Public phone boxes in Scotland can accept coin (minimum 10p or 20p). If you are making a long-distance call, use credit cards or phonecards (available from £2.00 to £20.00 from Post Offices and shops displaying the green Phonecard sign).
- Hotels usually charge a premium for calls from your room, so it is best to use public call boxes for international calls.
- Calls made after 6pm and before 8am (local time) are charged at a lower rate.
- You can identify which town a telephone number relates to from this STD code - see the list at the Subscriber Trunk Dialing Codes> page.
- Emergency services (fire, ambulance, police) throughout the UK are contacted via "999".
- For international directory enquiries in the UK dial "153".
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