Cure For Scotland's Ills?
The government Health Minister has announced plans for (yet another) radical shake-up of the National Health Service in Scotland. The present arrangement for the management of the service by means of bureaucratic NHS Trusts is to be swept away, replaced by "Community Health Partnerships" evolving into more powerful Local Health Care Co-operatives. There will be a new Scottish Health Council aiming to create greater involvement of the public in NHSScotland. There is much talk of devolving power and responsibility to clinicians and patients plus emphasis on the role of staff, and frontline staff in particular, as leaders of change in the health service. Of course, implementation of these measures, including the legislation, must be a matter for the next Parliament. You would never think there was an election on the horizon, would you?
Scottish Socialists Agree to Swear Royal Oath
The left-wing Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) is staunchly Republican and when Tommy Sheridan, the leader of the party, was elected to the Scottish Parliament in the 1999 election, he objected to swearing an oath of allegiance to the Queen, saying that his only loyalty was "to the people of Scotland." The TV broadcast of him taking the oath, with an upraised clenched fist, made world headlines. The SSP are hoping to have more Members of the Scottish Parliament after the next election but at their party conference last week a motion demanding that all candidates should declare in advance that they would not take the oath was defeated. Reality set in when they realised that they would not be able to take their parliamentary seats without taking the oath. SSP MSPs will, however, donate nearly half their salary to the party, preferring to take the same pay as that of a skilled manual worker rather than the £48, 224 to which they are entitled. Amongst many other left-wing policies, the party also wants to encourage asylum seekers to come to Scotland.
Replace the Forth Rail Bridge?
A Member of the Scottish Parliament has suggested that because of the rising maintenance costs, consideration should be given to demolishing the Forth Rail Bridge and replacing it with a modern, low maintenance structure across the river Forth. Helen Eadie, an influential MSP on transport strategy, put the proposal to the chairman of the Strategic Rail Authority. Ignoring the iconic nature of the 113-year-old bridge, she argued that there was no difference between demolishing the landmark bridge and North Sea oil platforms. The A-listed bridge, with its distinctive cantilever structure, is known around the world and is recognised as an engineering marvel. True, it is synonymous with its needs for never-ending painting (though the new paintwork is expected to allow for a break in that task). Maintenance costs for the bridge are expected to rise, however, to around £20 million a year.
Striking a Chord at School
A new £17.5 million project, funded by the government, aims to ensure that primary school pupils (aged 5 to 12) will get the opportunity to learn a musical instrument by the time they go on to secondary education. It is estimated by the Scottish Arts Council that 100,000 children would participate in music making if they had the opportunity. Currently, lack of money for tuition fees and instruments stops many of them from learning how to play a musical instrument.
Leith Still on Scotland's Political Map
When proposals by the Boundary Commission to remove Leith from the political map of Scotland were published last year, there was a public outcry against the proposal - led by the local Evening News Newspaper. The Commission had suggested that the Parliamentary constituencies in Edinburgh should be given bland names such as "Edinburgh South" and "Edinburgh North" - ignoring the long history of the Edinburgh's port of Leith. After a public enquiry, the presiding officer has issued a critical report in which he says there was strong opposition to removing Leith from the name of the constituency. He has proposed calling it "Edinburgh North and Leith". The Sheriff who conducted the enquiry was also in charge when the Boundary Commission last proposed dropping Leith - ten years ago.
Anger at Capital's "Parking Racket"
Edinburgh City Council recently extended the area covered by parking meters and charged residents up to £160 a year for the privilege of parking near their own house. Except that hundreds of them can't find a space - the council issued a surplus of over 3,600 resident permits. In the centre of the city, there are 18 cars competing for every 10 spaces. The council will earn £1.2 million from parking permits this year but are now having to face complaints from hundreds of angry householders. Motoring organisations condemned the council for charging for a service they were not providing. A record number of 10,680 permits were in use on 10 January - but the total number of spaces was only 7,004. And, of course, if cars are left on restricted stretches of roadway, the receive a parking ticket and a fine.
More Congestion Around City Bridge
Motorists faced long delays this week as traffic restrictions and slip-road closures were imposed on the Kingston Bridge over the river Clyde in the centre of Glasgow. The crossing is one of the busiest in Europe but has been undergoing major repairs and strengthening on a frequent basis for a number of years. The present work is likely to last for the next 20 weeks. Further along the river, ongoing repairs to the Clyde Tunnel are costing nearly £20 million and the city council has asked the Scottish Executive in Edinburgh for help with the costs. The panels covering the inside the tunnel have been removed for some time and, as cars drive through, they are subjected to water dripping from the river above.
Charter Airlines Improve Punctuality
Figures published by the Air Transport Users' Council show that holiday charter flights experienced the shortest delays for six years in 2002. Average delays fell from 35 minutes to 24 minutes for flights to and from UK airports including Edinburgh and Glasgow. These were the best figures since data began to be gathered in 1997. There were fewer air traffic control problems but the performance of individual airlines varied enormously. The worst performers were Sweden's Transjet Airways which had 66% of its flights over an hour late and Spain's LTE International which operated over 40% of its flights more than an hour late. Scheduled airlines had a much better performance than the charter companies. Average delays on scheduled flights were 14 minutes from April to June and 18 minutes from July to September.
Royal Bank Makes £6.45 Billion Profit
The Royal Bank of Scotland announced this week a 12% increase in underlying pre-tax profits for 2002, to £6.45 billion. The Royal Bank took over the major English bank National Westminster three years ago and is still reaping the benefits of integrating the two banks. But the chief executive claims that they have also been pursuing a strategy of organic growth and an acquisition policy in the US where New England subsidiary Citizens Financial had a 53% jump in underlying profits, partly due to takeovers. The Royal Bank, with its HQ in ST Andrew Square in Edinburgh (pictured here), is the UK's second largest bank.
Most Common Name in Scotland
Smith, Brown and Wilson are the top three surnames in Scotland, according to a survey carried out by the General Register Office for Scotland for the years 1999-2001. There has been little change in the most frequently found surnames over the last 140 years. Smith has been the most common surname in all surveys since that covering the early years of civil registration. Over 1 in 8 surnames in Scotland begin with Mac/Mc but patterns of surnames differ widely in different geographical areas. The top 10 Surnames in Scotland, using a sample of over 335,000 names from registrations in 1999, 2000 and 2001 are, in sequence: Smith, Brown, Wilson, Campbell, Stewart, Thomson, Robertson, Anderson, MacDonald and Scott. The top ten names account for 7.9 per cent and the top 20 account for 12.4 per cent of all the names. Information on the top 10 surnames in Scotland by area is available at together with analysis of surnames from the 1901 Census.
Superbug Antidote in Scottish Rock Pools?
Researchers have uncovered an antibiotic in rock pools on Scottish coasts that kills Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA), a superbug which is resistant to most antibiotics and is posing increasing problems in hospitals. The MRSA bug has been responsible for the doubling of the death rate from staphylococcal infections in the UK between 1993 and 1998. While it will take many years yet to refine the product, there is excitement that the substance abstracted from the slime of rocks does an excellent job killing the bacteria.
Absentee Landowners Dominate Scottish Sporting Estates
As the debate over the Land Reform Act (which will come into force once it has been signed by the Queen) rumbles on, a new comprehensive survey of land ownership has been published, showing that in two thirds of 218 sporting estates in Scotland, the main residence of the landowner was elsewhere in the UK or abroad. Many estates had been in the same ownership for generations, increasing numbers are being run as rural businesses by new owners. It is argued that such absentee landlords delay key decisions and tensions between owners and local communities. Such a view is rejected by some owners such as the boss of the up-market Harrods store in London who claims he has invested millions into his Balnagown estate in Easter Ross, to the benefit of the local community. Most sporting estates are run at a loss.
Biggest Ever Community Land Buy-out
The 800 residents of a 55,000-acre estate which includes Amhuinnsuidhe Castle in North Harris were celebrating this week as their £4.5 million bid was accepted by millionaire Jonathan Bulmer, whose family owns a large cider making company in England. The islanders have been helped financially by the John Muir Trust, the Scottish Land Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise community land unit. Their bid had been rejected last year but it is believed that a businessman from Stoke-on-Trent in England has become involved by contributing £2 million to take over the castle and fishing rights. Earlier community land purchases, aided by public funds, have been achieved in Assynt and the islands of Eigg and Gigha.
Photograph courtesy of the Photonet> © Web site.
International Gathering of the Clans
In 1978, Nova Scotia enthusiasts worked out an agreement with the organizers in Scotland that the International Gathering of the Clans would be held in Nova Scotia every four years. The first event was held in 1979 and this year, under the Federation of Scottish Clans In Nova Scotia, the event begins with the first International Flag being unveiled in the Shiretown of Pictou, on Tartan Day April 6th. Individual Clan gatherings so far arranged include those listed below. More information can be obtained from
May 3 - Clan Murray
June - Clan MacLean
June 27-28 - Clan Jardine
July 3-7 - Clan Lamont
July 4-6 - Clan Sutherland
July 4-7 - Clan Henderson
July 5 - Clan Ramsay
July 7-12 - Clan Chisholm
July 11-12 - Clan Chattan
July 12 - Clan Sinclair
July 12 - Clan MacGillivary
July 13 - Clan Sinclair
July 26 - Clan Ramsay
Aug 1 - Clan MacNeil
Aug 1-2 -Clan Dunbar
Aug 2 - Clan Matheson
Aug 17 - Clan Sutherland
Art Deco Cinema Closing Early
The Odeon Cinema in Glasgow's Renfield Street is to close its doors for the last time on April 24, three months earlier than the original plan. Fierce competition from larger multiplex cinemas both out of town and in the city centre have had a detrimental impact on audience figures. The Art Deco building opened in 1934 as the Paramount but became the Odeon in 1939. The site is likely to be converted into a mixture of luxury flats and retail outlets. The Odeon Cinema in Edinburgh is also due to close later this year.
Edinburgh Company Wins Publisher of the Year Title
Canongate Press, which only a few months ago became the first Scottish publisher to win the prestigious Booker prize for the novel "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, surprised industry pundits again by being voted Publisher of the Year at the British Book Awards this week. Canongate only has 16 full-time staff but the award was made because of the strength of its catalogue and its success at turning a number of books into best-sellers - without the huge marketing budgets of the larger firms. They only published 75 books last year but the Booker win, for example, boosted sales by 300,000 and another half million is expected when the paperback hits the streets.
Cows Herded Out by Housing
Land owned by Glasgow City Council at Hurlet, which is used as grazing for the award-winning Highland cattle at Pollok Country Park, two miles away, is to be sold to a developer who plans to build 3,000 homes there. The land at Crookston Farm is one of a number of greenbelt sites identified by the Council to boost the city's declining population and increase local tax revenues. But the plan has stirred up opposition from other political parties and nearby residents, who say that building should be on derelict industrial sites rather than farmland. At least the Highland cows would not lose out - they would graze instead on a farm near Easterhouse. But this cow, pictured at Pollok with its tongue sticking out, doesn't seem to approve!
Angus Public Toilets Clean Up Awards
The public toilets ("euphemistically called "rest rooms" in some parts of the world) in the county of Angus have again been recognised as the superstars of the loo world in an annual competition. Those in Arbroath and Montrose got the top rating of five stars and Kirriemuir received four stars. Brechin and Forfar went down the toilet a bit with only three stars, however. In addition to cleanliness and customer care, the facilities were also judged according to signage, accessibility, decor, equipment and fixtures. So the place to spend a penny is definitely Angus.
Plain Sailing for Water Treatment Plant
When Scottish Water sought planning approval last year from East Dunbartonshire Council for a £100 million filtration plant at Mugdock Reservoir, the council rejected the application by 9 votes to 6. They said the decision was based on environmental grounds, noting that Mugdock was a popular beauty spot and that other sites had not been properly considered. Within 24 hours, a media frenzy broke out, with the "Friends of Mugdock" being accused of being nimbies (Not In My Back Yard) and threatening the health of 700,000 Glaswegians. European Union legislation requires Scottish Water to have water filtration in place by 2005. The Glasgow supply is the only one in the UK which does not have it - due to the water authorities dragging their feet on the issue in the past. This week, a revised plan by Scottish Water (which they claimed would reduce the environmental impact - an assertion rejected by an independent report) was approved by 20 votes to 2, despite continued local protests. The project is already three years behind schedule and will not be completed until the end of 2005. The Mugdock reservoir is at the end of the Victorian aqueduct which takes water from Loch Katrine. Work on the project is now expected to start within six weeks.
Bird-Brain Sheep in the Chicken Run
The Aberdeen-based "Press and Journal" knows its readers and tends to report more stories than some of the other broadsheets about farming in the Highlands. So it was no surprise to find that it had scooped the story about a sheep which thinks it's a chicken. Their report said: "A farmyard has been thrown into a flap by a confused sheep which thinks it's a rooster. The chickens think he's baarmy but they have adopted him as one of their own. Now the sheep, named Donald by his owner, spends his days in the chicken coop with Ross the rooster and his pals. He no longer eats grass and now prefers pellets like his chicken buddies." But Donald is no stranger to bizarre behaviour. He used to go for walks on a lead with two dogs.
Weather Data for January 2003
The Scottish Meteorological Office has published the aggregate weather data for Scotland during January and it shows, once again, that temperatures were above average. Although the month started cold, some areas of the north-east were above the seasonal norm by as much as 1.5C. Indeed, a new record high for January was recorded in Aboyne in Aberdeenshire which reached 18.3C (64.9F) on 26th January. There was also average or above average amounts of sunshine, with Orkney and Shetland getting up to 180% of their normal amount. Rainfall was largely normal for the first month of the year.
Weather in Scotland This Week
Temperatures were very variable this week. After a chilly start of around 5/7C (41/45F) last Saturday, the thermometer rose to around 10/11C (50/52F) over the next three days before falling back again on Wednesday and Thursday to 7/8C (45/46F). But on Friday they rose again, with Edinburgh reaching 13C (55F). But on most days it felt chillier than the official temperature as a result of a strong east wind. Sunshine was in short supply, though but rain was confined to a number of showers.
This week's illustration of current flowers in Scotland is of snowdrops in the churchyard at Rosslyn Chapel in Midlothian, taken earlier this week. Although some snowdrops have been in flower since January, different varieties and different locations produce blooms at different times. Some of the snowdrops in my own garden have yet to flower.