Lighthouse Beacons from Scotland
Ardnamurchan Point Lighthouse
The light tower soars to 118 feet (36 metres) above the rocks, on the most westerly point of the British Mainland (at Latitude 56° 43.6' N Longitude 6° 13.4' W). It was built in 1849 using granite from the Island of Mull. Although now completely automated, the tower remains fully operational and still plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of all ships that navigate through the Inner Hebrides. As Ardnamurchan Point's landmark icon, it now sends a welcoming beacon to all visitors. The graphic on the right of the lighthouse and its foghorn is via Wikimedia and was photographed by Peter Evans.
The contractor responsible for the building Ardnamurchan Lighthouse was a Mr Hume. During the three years it took to complete the lighthouse, scurvy broke out among the workmen and a doctor had to be called in to treat them.
The oil light was first exhibited on the night of 5 October 1849.
The lighthouse was looked after by two lightkeepers - in the early days they kept at the station two cows and about a dozen sheep. The graphic on the left is via Wikimedia.
On the morning of 22 January 1852 there was a severe storm and lightning struck the tower causing broken panes and plaster to come off the walls. Fifty feet of boundary wall was knocked down and 40 feet of road was washed away by the heavy seas. The keepers' boat was broken up although they had secured it 15 feet above the last known high water mark.
The lighthouse was automated in 1988 and is now remotely monitored from the Board’s headquarters in Edinburgh.
The former keepers cottages and outbuildings are now privately operated as the Ardnamurchan Lighthouse Visitor Centre.
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