Lighthouse Beacons from Scotland
Ardrishaig Point Lighthouse
Ardrishaig is a small lochside village with around 1,300 inhabitants at the southern (eastern) entrance to the Crinan Canal in Argyll, west Scotland. It borders Loch Fyne to the south of Lochgilphead.
The Crinan Canal runs for 9 miles from Ardrishaig in the east to Crinan in the west, bypassing a long and sometimes dangerous sea passage round the long peninsula of the Mull of Kintyre. The Crinan Canal Act was passed in 1793, but financial difficulties required the assistance of a government loan to enable completion in 1809. The canal was never really financially viable and hit problems with land slips. Main users now are pleasure craft and some fishing vessels. (The graphic on the right is by E Gammie via Wikimedia)
The light is at a basin at lock 15 which opens to the sea. The harbours at Ardrishaig and Crinan are managed by British Waterways who are responsible for the canal. The light is only 30 feet above the water and the light flashes Light White, Red and Green every six seconds and is visible for 4 nautical miles.
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