Lighthouse Beacons from Scotland
Cantick Head Lighthouse
Photo by George Gilmour
Cantick Head is located on the South East Coast of the Island of Hoy, near Scapa Flow in the Pentland Firth south of the Orkney Islands. (The graphic is by Des Colhoun, via Wikimedia Commons).
The Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouse Board made representations to Trinity House and the Board of Trade in London in February 1854 and received almost immediately statutory approval to their proposals. Lengthy correspondence, however, took place with Trinity House and the Board of Trade regarding approval of specification, character of light and acceptance of building tenders which delayed commencement of building work until February 1856.
It was established in July 1858 and engineered by David and Thomas Stevenson. Its beacon has a character of flashing white every 20 seconds and a nominal range of 18 nautical miles. (The graphic on the left is by Calum McRoberts, via Wikimedia Commons).
A fog horn was established in October 1913 and discontinued in 1987.
The light was automated in 1991 and is now remotely monitored from the Northern Lighthouse Board’s offices Edinburgh.
Cantick Head Lighthouse, lightkeepers' cottages, sundial pedestal & outbuildings are all grade B listed as being of architectural and historic interest.
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