Lighthouse Beacons from Scotland
Cromarty Lighthouse
The Gaelic name for Cromarty is Crombagh, the bent bay, but some etymologists maintain it means the little place at bend. Cromarty (Cromba in Gaelic) is the former royal burgh in Ross and Cromarty, in the Highland area of Scotland.Board of Trade sanction was granted in 1842 to build Cromarty Lighthouse, on the North East tip of the Black Isle to guide ships in from the Moray Firth to the Cromarty Firth. Thomas Watson was appointed as Superintendent and David Mitchell from Montrose was the contractor responsible for the buildings. The night characteristic is white/red occulting every 10 seconds, white visible for 15 miles and red 11 nautical miles. The light was first operated in 1846 and automated in 1985. The graphic on the right is by Tom Richardson, via Wikimedia.
The keeper's house and outbuildings are now used by Aberdeen University students studying the bottlenose dolphins of the Moray Firth. The tower is 43 feet tall and there are 38 steps to the top of the tower. In January 2005, the three General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) of the UK and Ireland issued a consultation document following a joint review of Aids to Navigation of the coasts of the United Kingdom and Ireland. As a result of this review it was agreed to discontinue the light at Cromarty, as the function of this light was now performed by other means. Cromarty Lighthouse was therefore permanently discontinued with effect from 28 February 2006. The graphic on the left is by Michael Shepherd, via Wikimedia.
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