Lighthouse Beacons from Scotland
Strathy Point Lighthouse
Photo by Rog Frost via Wikimedia
Strathy Point was the Northern Lighthouse Board's first all-electric station and the last to be built as a manned lighthouse, with a major light and fog signal, when it was built on the the north coast of Sutherland. The station was sanctioned in 1953 and began operating in 1958. The station buildings, designed by the board's engineer, P.H. Hysolop, are laid out in a hollow square with covered passageways, giving protection from the high winds on this exposed headland. The traditional round tower has been abandoned (curved walls require interior fittings made to match), and even the 35 foot concrete lantern tower is square, as were the buildings at Esha Ness and Duncansby Head, and even earlier at Pillar Rock in Arran.
Strathy Point filled one of the last important blanks on the Scottish coast between Dunnet Head and Cape Wrath. It was first proposed in 1900 but Trinity House then refused approval and the Board of Trade concurred on appeal. The ship owners thought an additional light was required in the area, where a temporary light had been shown during the second World War, so the station was finally built.
The station was automated 1997 and the last keeper left on March 31, 1997
After extensive consultation, the light at Strathy Point was permanently discontinued with effect from 2 March 2012. On the 5th April 2013 the Northern Lighthouse Board sold the lighthouse and no longer have an involvement with the property at Strathy Point.
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