News and Views from Scotland
Free Surfing In Edinburgh![]()
Free wifi is to be rolled out across Edinburgh city centre from this summer.
Edinburgh Council has signed a 10-year contract with intechnologyWiFi, which said residents and visitors would have access to free, high-speed internet connectivity.
The programme has been funded by the UK government as part of its SuperConected Cities programme which saw more than £5m awarded to Edinburgh. It will be installed and operated at no cost to the council.
Frank Ross, City of Edinburgh Council's digital champion, said: "This is great news as everyone will be able to get free access to the latest information on their favourite apps and websites while they are out and about.
"It will be particularly beneficial for the millions of residents and visitors who enjoy our festivals each year.
"This project is central to the council's plans for growing the city economy, and encouraging residents and visitors to stay longer and increase their spend."Natalie Duffield, intechnology WiFi CEO, said: "In providing seamless, 24/7 internet connectivity to residents and visitors out and about, our network solution will make it second-nature for people in the city to live more connected lives, including accessing live news as it breaks, finding out 'what's on' in real-time, or booking a meal or a bed for the night using the latest offers and promotions available."
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