News and Views from Scotland
Edinburgh Festivals Booming Away![]()
Edinburgh's year-round festivals generate £313m for the Scottish economy, according to a recent report. The figure for 2015 represents an increase of 24% on the previous five years.The study also found the festivals attract combined audiences of more than 4.5 million, putting them on a par with the Fifa World Cup, and that they support more than 6,000 Scottish jobs.
The analysis is contained in an independent impact study which was commissioned by Festivals Edinburgh. Researchers BOP Consulting analysed the overall impact of Edinburgh's 12 festivals and found they are estimated to have generated £279.6m in the city over 2015, an increase of 19% on the 2010 study.
Festivals Edinburgh director Julia Amour said: "This report tells us that the festivals are unparalleled in terms of their quality, in terms of their scale of impact and also in terms of the level of benefits they are returning to local people and businesses. "We've passed the 4.5 million mark for attendances, which reminds us what an extraordinary world-scale event we have in the capital with our festivals. "We knew that the ticket sales had gone up by about 20% (in the five-year period) so we were quietly confident that we would be on a growth curve, but to find that the benefit for Scotland as a whole is even stronger than our ticket sales would suggest is a really great result."You can see a video of spectacular Opening of 2016 Edinburgh Festival using the castle as a backdrop at Edinburgh International Festival's Deep Time - VIDEO
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