Scottish Place Names
- Wellington, New Zealand

For comparability with other cities around the world, Greater Wellington has been defined as the entire urban area embracing the cities of Wellington, Hutt, Upper Hutt and Porirua. Of the names of the 175 suburbs in the Greater Wellington area that have been identified to date, 39 (22.3%) can be found in Scotland or are based on Scottish family names. Of course, some of the names are used in other parts of the British Isles as well, but at least 21 of them (12.0%) appear to be unique to Scotland or are readily identifiable with places in Scotland that are based on the same names.

Picture of Wellington via Wikipedia.

Official suburbs and other localities with names that occur only in Scotland and not elsewhere in the British Isles, and/or are definitely or most probably of Scottish origin are:

Some of the following localities may also prove on further investigation to have a link with Scotland. However, these names are also associated with other parts of the British Isles and one in particular may have a Maori origin:

A final category of suburban names comprises places that can be found in Scotland but which, in Wellington's case, definitely or most probably have no connection with Scotland.

Further evidence of significant Scottish influence on the development of New Zealand's capital city can be found in the names of streets and roads, parks and reserves, mountains and coastal features throughout the metropolitan area. Well-known streets and roads include Blair Street (Te Aro), Coutts Street (Kilbirnie), Crawford Road (Kilbirnie), Eskdale Road (Papakowhai), Fergusson Drive (Upper Hutt), Glasgow Street (Kelburn), Glenmore Street (Northland), Grant Road (Thorndon), Ironside Road (Johnsonville), Lauderdale Road (Papakowhai/Paremata), Lorne Street (Te Aro), MacDonald Crescent (Te Aro), McLeod Street (Upper Hutt), Nairn Street (Te Aro/Brooklyn), Paterson Street (Mount Victoria), Pirie Street (Mount Victoria), Roxburgh Street (Mount Victoria), Stewart Drive (Paparangi), Tweed Road (Papakowhai) and Wallace Street (Mount Cook). Many other minor roads, streets, groves and lanes, both in the city centre and the suburbs, also bear Scottish names. The suburb of Papakowhai in Porirua has a particularly large concentration of Scottish street names, numbering nearly 30 in total.

Parks and Reserves include the following:

Examples of other geographic features with Scottish-sounding names are Johnstons Hill, Mount Cameron, Mount Crawford, McKerrow, Point Gordon and Sinclair Head.

New Zealand was of course a major destination for Scottish settlers, resulting in many Scottish place names in most of its cities and surrounding countryside. Wellington is no exception in this regard. For an account of the contribution of Scottish settlers to New Zealand society see the article in the Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand.


© Ian Kendall
Melbourne, Australia, October 2004
Revised March 2008

If you wish to contact Ian about his research, his e-mail address is

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