Traditional Scottish Recipes
- Ratafia Biscuits
Ratafia biscuits are used in making Scotch Trifle and as you may not be able to obtain them locally, here is how you can make them for yourself. Ratafia essence is made from bitter almonds or the kernels of peaches or apricots. If you can't get this ingredient, use another suitable flavouring. Another solution entirely is to use almond flavoured cookies or dried macaroons instead.Ingredients
2 egg whites
1 oz (25g) butter
4oz (125g) ground almonds
Rice paper
6oz (175g) castor sugar
1 tablespoon flour
4 drops of ratafia essence
Rice paperMethod
Beat the egg whites until they are stiff. Mix the butter and sugar, then add the flour and ground almonds. Mix well and then fold into the egg whites and beat into a smooth paste. Once it starts to stiffen, place in an icing bag with a plain pipe and place drops of around half an inch (1.2cm) on the rice paper, about 2 inches apart. Bake at 350F (18oC or gas mark 4) for 15/20 minutes.
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