Traditional Scottish Recipes
- White Wine SauceHere is a recipe for a sauce which is useful for pouring over many varieties of puddings and pancakes. It was originally recorded by a Lady Clark, around 1880. The quantities are sufficient for four people.
2 tablespoons flour or cornflour (cornstarch)
Half pint (300 ml or one and a quarter cups, scant) sweet white wine
1 oz (25g or quarter stick) butter
2 tablespoons brown sugar
Grated peel of one lemonMethod:
Mix the flour and wine thoroughly and then heat to boiling point, stirring well until it is thick and smooth. Simmer gently for five minutes, stirring from time to time. Chop the butter into small pieces and add to the sauce and then add the sugar and finely grated lemon peel and stir until the butter and sugar have all dissolved. Pour the hot sauce over your pudding or pancakes.
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