Traditional Scottish Songs
- I Belong to Glasgow

This song was written by the music hall entertainer Will Fyfe, reputedly after helping a drunk who said "The way I feel tonight is that Glasgow belongs to me." The song was offered to Harry Lauder but he turned it down - because it was in praise of strong drink. When it was pointed out that Lauder sang "Just a Wee Deoch and Doris" he pointed out that it was just a wee deoch and dorus!

I Belong to Glasgow

I've been wi' a couple o' cronies,
One or two pals o' my ain;
We went in a hotel, and we did very well,
And then we came out once again;
Then we went into anither,
And that is the reason I'm fu';
We had six deoch-an-doruses, then sang a chorus,
Just listen, I'll sing it to you:

I belong to Glasgow,
Dear old Glasgow town;
But what's the matter wi' Glasgow,
For it's goin' roun' and roun'!
I'm only a common old working chap,
As anyone here can see,
But when I get a couple o' drinks on a Saturday,
Glasgow belongs to me!

There's nothing in keeping your money,
And saving a shilling or two;
If you've nothing to spend, then you've nothing to lend,
Why that's all the better for you!
There no harm in taking a drappie,
It ends all your trouble and strife;
It gives ye the feeling that when you get home,
You don't give a hang for the wife!


Meaning of unusual words:
deoch-an-dorus=drink at the door, farewell drink

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