Traditional Scottish Songs
- Huntingtower

This is a traditional song about two lovers, Jeanie and Jamie, who sing a duet. Jamie turns out to be a wealthy man who has extensive lands, including Huntingtower Castle in Perthshire.


When ye gang awa', Jamie
Far across the sea, laddie,
When ye gang to Germanie,
What will ye send to me, laddie?

I'll send ye a braw new gown, Jeanie,
I'll send ye a braw new gown, lassie,
And it shall be o' silk and gowd,
Wi' Valenciennes set round, lassie.

That's nae gift ava, Jamie,
That's nae gift ava, laddie,
There's ne'er a gown in a' the land,
I'd like when ye're awa, laddie.

When I come back again, Jeanie,
When I come again, lassie,
I'll bring wi' me a gallant gay,
To be your ain gudeman, lassie.

Be my gudeman yoursel', Jamie,
Be my gudeman yoursel', laddie,
And tak' me ower to Germanie,
Wi' you at hame to dwell, laddie.

I dinna ken how that wad do, Jeanie,
I dinna see how that can be, lassie,
For I've a wife and bairnies three,
And I'm not sure how ye'd gree, lassie.

Ye should hae telt me that in time, Jamie,
Ye should hae telt me that lang syne, laddie,
For had I kent o' your fause heart,
Ye ne'er had gotten mine, laddie.

Your een were like a spell, Jeanie,
Your een were like a spell, lassie,
That ilka day bewitch'd me sae,
I couldna help mysel', lassie.

Gae back to your wife and hame, Jamie,
Gae back to your bairnies three, laddie,
And I will pray they ne'er may thole
A broken heart like me, laddie.

Dry that tearfu' e'e, Jeanie,
Dry that tearfu' e'e, lassie,
I've neither wife nor bairnies three,
And I'll wed none but thee, lassie.

Think weel, for fear ye rue, Jamie,
Think weel, for fear ye rue, laddie;
For I have neither gow'd nor lands,
To be a match for you, laddie.

Blair in Athol's mine, Jeanie,
Little Dunkeld is mine, lassie,
St. Johnstoun's bower, and Huntingtower,
And a' that's mine is thine lassie.

Duet for Jamie and Jeanie:
Blair in Athol's thine, Jamie,     Blair in Athol's mine, Jeanie,
Little Dunkeld is thine, laddie,     Little Dunkeld is mine, lassie,
St. Johnstoun's bower, and Huntingtower,     St. Johnstoun's bower, and Huntingtower,
And a' that's thine is mine laddie.     And a' that's mine is thine lassie.

Meaning of unusual words:
ava=at all
gudeman=head of the household/husband
lang syne=long ago

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