Traditional Scottish Songs
- The Wee Cock Sparra
The Wee Cock Sparra
A wee cock sparra sat on a tree,
A wee cock sparra sat on a tree, A wee cock sparra sat on a tree Chirpin awa as blithe as could be. Alang came a boy wi'a bow and an arra,
Alang came a boy wi'a bow and an arra, Alang came a boy wi'a bow and an arra And he said: 'I'll get ye, ye wee cock sparra.' The boy wi' the arra let fly at the sparra,
The boy wi' the arra let fly at the sparra, The boy wi' the arra let fly at the sparra, And he hit a man that was hurlin' a barra. The man wi' the barra cam owre wi' the arra,
The man wi' the barra cam owre wi' the arra, The man wi' the barra cam owre wi' the arra, And said: 'Ye take me for a wee cock sparra?' The man hit the boy, tho he wasne his farra,
The man hit the boy, tho he wasne his farra, The man hit the boy, tho he wasne his farra And the boy stood and glowered; he was hurt tae the marra. And a' this time the wee cock sparra,
And a' this time the wee cock sparra, And a' this time the wee cock sparra Was chirpin awa on the shank o' the barra. Meaning of unusual words:
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