From Over the Pond
By Frank Hatton
Scottish Lion Rampant and US "Old Glory" FlagsThis is the index page for a series of articles Written by Frank Hatton and originally published in the former "Scottish Radiance" e-magazine. Sharma Krauskopf, who began that site in 1997, has kindly given permission for the content to be included in Rampant Scotland.
Frank Hatton lives in England. After he got out of school Frank entered industry, working on the welding of aircraft components. During WW II he served in the armed services as a motor cycle despatch rider. After the war he returned to the welding business, firstly as an instructor of welding, then moved to the selling of welding equipment as a salesman, and then into sales management. He then became involved in marketing, and spent several years travelling the world lecturing on welding equipment technology and safety. After a traumatic redundancy progamme at the age of 53, he went into the television industry as a house manager. (Managing everything not connected with the programme itself). Retired in 1987 at the age of 60 and as he says "Have been lazing around ever since." Which we do not believe if he is writing stories like these.
NOTE - this index is a "work-in-progress" and further pages will be added soon - so make sure you bookmark this page and check back for more articles from Guest Writers.
- Three Score Years And Ten Plus Ensuring that the golden years are enjoyed as fully as possible, however long they last!
- The character/philosophy of the English
- Changing from "Shillings and Pence" to Decimal Currency and other metrication changes...
- Extreme Climatic Conditions Coping with extreme weather conditions in the UK and elsewhere.
- Changing Traditions (As Seen in 1998) Ranging from transport and street games to food and bedtime stories...
Return to Index of all the Guest Writers.
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